Lace Thong Panties with Red Lace Top Thigh Highs (157
Pics): These lovely red lace top thigh highs were
sent to me by a generous member who saw that I love
Stocking Girl products on my Wish
List page. You
just cant beat the look and feel of a pair of high
quality thigh highs! I love some of the shots towards
the end where I'm partially in the shadow and the
sunlight is on my cock casting a shadow across my
leg. Some of the close up cum shots at the end are
particularly yummy as well. Of course, I can never
resist taking a taste :-)~
Recycle Boys (181 Pics): I'm such a good little
environmentalist Of course most TS are. We have to take
what we were given and recycle it into something more
fitting. I've been trying to reduce some areas and increase
some others. Okay so are the colors bright enough for
everyone in this one? LOL. It is almost summer so it's
nice to have some bright colors for a change. I especially
love my little pink panties and the way the ride up
the crack of my ass.
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New Boobs are Here!!!! They are not quite ready
for photoshoots but I'm still be doing my one hour cam
shows for members 4 times per month so be sure to come
by and check out the new additions! I've also made sure
to get plenty of pre-boob pictures and videos before
surgery so fresh updates will continue on a weekly basis.
For more on my surgery and recovery so far check out
this recent blog
feel like joining my site right now? Be sure to check
out my Clips
4 Sale for single videos or my LINKS
page for other great TS Porn sites!
Recycle Boys Video (10+ mins): I know . . . I'm such
a great environmentalist :-) I even use one of my favorite
reusable nontoxic anal toys in this video, my fingers. I
don't do a lot of fingering my ass in videos which is kind
of a shame because I really do enjoy and I think it looks
hot. Hope you think so too :-)
Leggings and Pink Top Video (7 mins): After finishing
the picture set in my leggings and pink polka dot top I
was super horny and ready to get off! It didn't take me
long to peel these tight leggings down and take care of
my burning desires :-) Hope you'll join me and maybe we
can cum together!